Thursday, November 22, 2007


At this point, i think I can understand how people can get hooked( is this the right word?) into all these sites. I am coming across words I have never come across before. It can be fun, it can drive you up the wall, when things don't fall into place. As with all good thing in life, you get what you put in. The advantage here is being able to talk to colleagues and discuss all the pros and cons of all the sites. One of the disadvantges is that photes take a little longer to load especially at the home computor. A three year old computor may have something to do with it. Hopefully, as I go further on I may discover some neat tricks to get around this problem.


Anonymous said...

Yea, things can be a bit frustrating! Did you manage to setup a flickr account for #5? Let us know if you do, otherwise be sure and post your favorite photo from the flickr site to your blog! :) Great work so far! :)

Shobha said...

I have set up a flickr account and I did try to download 1 picture. It took for ever, I lost patience. i may give it another go.